Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Reading to Gavin at Bedtime


LandA said...

so sweet! but the best part is the out-takes...five little monkeys put on their pajamas OH!

RAB said...

that was so funny. your videos are the best!

LandA said...

I LOVED this video. So glad you posted it for us to watch. Dudley was always one of my favorites so I'm especially glad you choose that one. Don't know why Gavin wanted to start that one over because the 10 cupcakes...yum! yum! yum! is the best part. Next time you read Red Hat, Yellow Hat (is that the name?) you should video that for us.

I'm impressed with Gavin's alphabet skills.

The out-takes were hilarious. Totally didn't see that one coming.

~Aunt A

Anonymous said...

Reading together make the best memories! It looked like you both were having fun. I enjoyed hearing Gavin say the letters. So cute!

Unknown said...

oh my goodness denea! those videos are hysterical!!! The "bloopers" at the end-too much! What a beautiful child that Gavin boy is and what wonderful parents you and Jake are! and that monkey costume was too much! he should wear that everyday!