Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our New House (L&A, sorry it took us so long to post this!)

1 comment:

LandA said...

We're flipping out. Mainly because you guys have an absolutely incredible house and secondly because we are just now seeing this video. I have checked your blog multiple times in the last two months but somehow never saw this video. I can't figure out what happened! We saw the Toy Run one and maybe I just didn't realize that more had been posted that same day and then when I went back to the blog on other days and saw Toy Run at the top assumed that there was nothing new. Anyway, this was such a great video. Thank you so much for giving us a tour. And, maybe it's good that we are just now seeing it today because you are going to be induced today and we needed to somehow feel close to you guys! Love you and can't wait to come and visit.